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Preventing Health Hazards: The Necessity of Professional Rodent and Pest Waste Cleanup

Preventing Health Hazards: The Necessity of Professional Rodent and Pest Waste Cleanup
T.A.C.T. Rodent Droppings Cleanup and Waste Removal

Dealing with the results of a rodent infestation on your commercial property, or a property that you manage, is a distressing and potentially hazardous situation. The waste that rodents leave behind may contain highly dangerous bacteria, microorganisms, and viruses, including the potentially fatal, Hantavirus. Proper removal of the droppings, urine and nests by professionals using specified equipment and cleaning agents, is absolutely vital.


T.A.C.T specializes in providing comprehensive and effective solutions for rodent waste cleanup, ensuring the safety and cleanliness of your property. 


Benefits of using T.A.C.T. for rodent droppings cleanup:

  • Highly Trained Technicians
  • State-of-the-Art Equipment
  • Thorough Deep Cleaning
  • Proven Disinfection
  • Advanced Testing
  • Safe Air Purification
  • Commitment to Excellence

We Clean up rodent droppings from many types of vermin, including (but not limited to):

  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Squirrels
  • Opossum
  • Bats
  • Pigeons
  • Pigeon Bats
  • Geese
  • Racoons



Let Us Restore the Safety of Your Property


You don't have to compromise the safety of your employees, customers or tenants by attempting to clean up rodent waste yourself, or by relying on pest extermination services. T.A.C.T is your trusted partner for expert rodent waste removal and cleanup.


Contact us today at (703) 795-0027 or visit to schedule your free consultation and inspection. We'll provide you with a tailored plan to restore the cleanliness and safety of your property.





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Preventing Health Hazards: The Necessity of Professional Rodent and Pest Waste Cleanup phone